Today I am sick, and finally found a minute to write this post.
I can proudly say, that my RepRap is getting very close to being finished.
Most of the printer is already assembled. The remaining parts ale half finished.
Unfortunately in the last weeks, and for sure in the following ones I will not push the project further... It would be fun to change a hobby into an everyday work ;) but for the moment I have "real" tasks that need my attention.
In addition to that, I am waiting for the TTL-USB converter piece that is traveling from the US. It has been doing that for the last 1,5 week, ehh conventional mail. Without it, I can not connect the printer to the computer- thous, can not start the finishing touches and calibrations.
Anyway, here are some pictures from like 2 weeks ago. I have had not moved further from that point- pity...
As it can be seen, the Y and Z axis are already assembled, so is the X motor. The carriage is waiting for finishing of the extruder. I have to prepare a bolt with teeth that will push the plastic into the hot-end. Again, loaded time blocks the progress. After the bolt is done, it will be just to put several screws, clip the carriage to the bearings on the X axis, put the X motor belt, wire everything and we can start printing! Hope this will happen till first half of December :P
Aside from work related issues, I am being held back by more hardware related events. The major one was breaking of my computer. Unless I manage to fix that bugger, the first prints will be guided by my wifes laptop. Not that she has something against it, but still... you now ;)
For that reason I began wondering about purchasing and incorporating a Raspberry PI mini computer. I know people are using them with success to guide 3D printers, and it would be cool to join that trend.
At the same time, I also started to get the feeling that I am over the budget for this project. Yes yes, there was no budget, but I roughly knew how much I wanted to spend to make a Reprap. And even thought Raspberry PI is only like 35$, it is another not essential "gadget" that will drive the costs even more: mouse, keyboard, a monitor (I do not have one- only laptops, not even a TV), possibly a VGA-HDMI converter, USB hub... The prices start to add up fast. For that reason, I think I will hold with Raspberry PI till I finish the printer, and start printing. With some luck, I will initiate this "sub-project" early next year (if we survive 23rd December Muahahaha-doom-doom-dumb-dumb!).
Well, basically thats the state of the art for today. Hold your thumbs, and wish me luck with normal day work, so I can get back to that what is fun- the RepRap :) See you!