17 March 2014

History continues: " A small success"

One of the best things about having a 3d printer is the possibility of creating objects that would be difficult to get in a shop.
When we moved to a new place, we brought from the old apartment a shower-shelf that you hang on the door. We had no idea what to do with it- you can’t hang it on the wall, and now we do not have the shower door to put it on.
A bit later we got ourselves a plastic drawer box. The shelf would fit on its back quite nicely, providing additional space for whatever you want. Yet it was not mounted, so I always felt that I might drop it off. To feel more comfortable while moving around the bathroom, I designed the following small piece:

It took 10 min to heat up the printer’s bed, 7 min of printing, 2 minutes of polishing, 5 min of painting, 3 minutes for drilling and 3 minutes of mounting. In half an hour I managed to secure the shelf onto the drawer box with two nice holders. A nice, small success :)

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