23 October 2012

Humble me

Greetings wondering souls,

first things first,
I have to admit I was wrong, and the power source is working fine. After going to the shop, the guys easily demonstrated how little I know about PC elements ;)

Knowing that, today after work I tried to plug in the board.

First, I plugged the proper jumper, then connected switched off power supply, turned the power on and... (!) There are several indicators described in the instruction that the board is OK.
First one is "there is no smoke".
Well, we did not pass that one :D
The L1 part that is 100uH coil burned.
Funny enough the second indicator was fulfilled ("the yellow diode is on"). At least for the moment before I turned the power off ;)

Lesson learned:
Before putting your home made circuit under voltage, check each and every connection. I found one not soldered pin and one solder bridge what should not be there (sic!). Hope that were the only things wrong.

Tomorrow I will purchase a replacement coil (or two for safety measure), put it in place of the broken one and cross my fingers that no other elements were effected.
And then I will check the connections for the fifth time.
And only then will I plug the power on ;)

Hold your thumbs!

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