25 October 2012

Its alive!

Hello folks!

As I mentioned previously, I had an element to fix on the circuit board. Well, I replaced it, checked the thing 2 more times, plugged the board to the power, and... IT WORKS! :D
I measured all possible voltages in the slots, etc, all is at the desired levels!
Now, its "just" to make the rest of the printer, put it ll together and- we start printing!

Other news, also yesterday I attended a very nice seminar/demonstration of 3D printing at the local science center. For the first time I could see live the process of printing. The guys had a Makerbot Replicator www.makerbot.com, and made in Poland CB-printer cb-printer.com (solid metal construction based on Prusa Mendels).

And the last thing- I ordered a TTL to USB converter from US. Total cost with transport was around 15euro. I add that to the post with the summry.

See you next time!

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