01 July 2014

Tablet drive- GCodePrinter

When I was looking through the old posts for the total price of the printer I noticed that there was a plat to buy an old PC to run the control software on.
It is no longer the case. Some time ago I got a Lenovo tablet as a present. In the Google Play Store I noticed an awesome application called GCodePrinter. It costs like 4 euro and changes your toy-tablet into a mighty tool for steering devices of the future! OK, I I got a bit too excited ;)
If your tablet has this magic cable that allows USB to be connected to it (for memory sticks etc), you can try to put the printer under its control. Here is a picture of my printer being driven by a tablet. It looks super geeky great and works too!

Spoiler: the printed part is an element of the big awesome project.

As I wrote, it looks nice and all. Unfortunately it might get into some trouble. I made some nice prints, but one time it happened that the tablet went to hibernation (or something) and second time there was some communication error. This of course resulted in the stop of the print, and the part got wasted (I still have to find out a way to safely restart broken prints). For that reason, although it looks cool, I prefer to print bigger parts under PC control. It simply seems more reliable.

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