It has been a while. Couple of years passed. Couple of changes happened. The last post describing the walking-beam project was written while I was still living in Italy. Since then I moved to Germany, stayed there for almost five years and moved back to Poland. I switched between a couple of jobs, extended my family and basically reduced hobby related activities. Through all these years I kept dragging the printer along. While in today's standard it is not even close to what is available on the market and I could get a new machine for a couple of euro. It was always a hobby project - a thing self made. A bit rough, a bit crude, but mine. And it still works!
As I am writing this, I realize how much I have not had written. There were several small projects that I did back in Germany. Be this the homage to my insufficient writing skills or even little reservations to share my "life" online. Still I recognized how useful this blog was when trying to resurrect the machine and how lacking it was in terms of proper data organization and presentation.
At this moment (again) I moved forward with the "Resurrection project" far beyond the scope that can be described in one post. I see the need to preserve this knowledge. I hope to do that on this blog and hope the experience I have gotten over the years will help me do a better job in organizing the information in a useful manner.
In the coming posts I intend to describe the process of how I managed to start-up a machine that was lying dormant for almost a decade. I will describe the required hardware adjustments and struggles with using ancient software. While I still face multiple issues when printing, each is a new experience and a shard of knowledge that helps me improve my understanding of 3d printing.
Upcoming: Teacup firmware replacement with Repetier, running Printrun on Win10, running Printrun on Lubuntu (Light Ubuntu), remote X sessions with Ubuntu, fixing and replacement of old printer parts, first prints: printing bed adjusters, X and Y belt tension adjusters and possibly some nostalgia posts.
See you later!
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